Equipment Upgrade 2015 :

Veritas NI now have the latest generation equipment that allows us to film in total darkness. The equipment is fitted with 940nm Infra-Red lamps which are invisible to the human eye. The equipment can record in total darkness for up to 36hrs, so nothing is missed. This is ideal for the winter months or for recording activity that is only believed to take place at night. The equipment can be located virtually anywhere.

Veritas NI for all your Covert Surveillance requirements.

Covert-SurveillanceSurveillance is a skill that has to be learned, and cannot be conducted by a lone operator. Veritas NI will at all times use two, or more, surveillance operatives. It makes sound professional sense to undertake Surveillance this way, all national and international governmental and military agencies conduct surveillance operations as a team.
There are no guarantees on surveillance, the operator can only report what they see the subject doing, but by deploying a minimum of 2 surveillance operators it will help to avoid possible compromises or losses with the resulting consequences.
Any company that tells you surveillance can be conducted by a lone operator is not acting in the clients best interests and is not practicing their trade professionally.

Veritas NI offer an all inclusive package which offers outstanding value. Included in the price is the provision of 2 x surveillance operators deployed for an 8hr surveillance day, there are no add ons. Other options are available for corporate and private clients to take account of their budget and requirements. Please use our Contact Us page for further details.

Rural and Urban Covert Surveillance

covert2Veritas NI combines proven surveillance techniques and the latest technology to ensure a successful conclusion to each investigation. We utilize everything from digital video and digital stills cameras to covert body cameras.
We have a variety of surveillance platforms that can be utilized to suit the operation, depending on factors such as traffic and the location of the subject. These include cars, vans and 1000cc motorcycles.
We will advise the client at an early stage what size of a team will be required to bring the operation to a successful conclusion.